This is Me

hai holla hello my name's dhyta maya anggrainy you can call me dhyta, ditut, dhytdut(some people close to me call me like that) or whatever, sesuka dan senyaman kalian asal ngga ngerusak kaidah nama saya aja.
mmmm, I'm a bit confused to explain myself.
I'm a human, of course
i'm a girl
i really like red
i like song and sing, too
i have so much dreams
maybe, karna diberatkan nama MAYA yg ada didalam identitas saya, well bisa dibilang nama itu cerminann diri seseorang.
yah, like me, maya=khayal
i have so much dreams
terlalu banyak sampai bingung mewujudkannya! you know, kemampuan orang terbatas tp gak buat keingininannya, seperti itulah saya.
i want to be an astronot
i want bassed on month
hmm, at the first, i think i want to tell all of my dreams one by one here, but, no no, it's not a good idea, I better keep yourself in my heart, i just share with you how  to realize  my dreams.
okay, one day, maybe my biodata can  change, but for now that's all, thank you and enjoy my archive :)

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